Make the most of Gift Aid
You can make your gift go further with Gift Aid. If you are able to say “Yes” to Gift Aid, you can help us move one step closer to a world free from Parkinson’s – at no extra cost to you.
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to reclaim the tax that has already been paid on donations from UK taxpayers.

If you choose to Gift Aid, the government will add an extra 25p to every £1 you give to Cure Parkinson’s.
If you would like to Gift Aid your donations, you can:
Your Gift Aid questions answered
What period will my Gift Aid declaration cover?
Your Gift Aid declaration will cover your future donations and donations you have made for the past four years. If you are unable to or don’t want to Gift Aid donations for all or some of the previous four years, please contact us on 020 7487 3892 to let us know.
When does Gift Aid not apply?
In addition to your donations, you might support us in other ways, for example, buying raffle tickets or paying an entry fee for an event. These payments are not eligible for Gift Aid. Certain donations are also not eligible, as the tax has already been accounted for, for example:
- Donations from a charity account such as Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
- Donations through payroll giving
- Gifts from a legacy
Supporting Cure Parkinson’s in one of these ways doesn’t stop you making a Gift Aid declaration. If you do so, we can claim Gift Aid on your donations which do qualify.
What if my circumstances change?
If you stop paying tax, please let us know as soon as possible and we will cancel the Gift Aid declaration for you and make sure that we do not claim tax on any future gifts you may make. You can do this by completing the online form here and ticking “No” or calling us on 020 7487 3892. You can cancel your declaration at any time.
Please also let us know if your name or address changes so we can update our records.
Of course, if you were previously not able to Gift Aid and would now like to, please use the online form here to sign up or contact us on 020 7487 3892 to let us know.
Can we Gift Aid joint donations?
Yes. We would need your personal details separately for our records. Please contact us on 020 7487 3892 if you would like to Gift Aid your joint donations. If you are not a taxpayer but you make donations jointly with your partner who is a taxpayer, we will need your partner’s details and a Gift Aid declaration from your partner.
If you are both taxpayers, we will need Gift Aid declarations from both of you. Please also let us know what amount of the donation is made by each of you. In either case, the donations also need to come from a bank account that has the taxpayer or both taxpayers’ name/s on it.
Can I Gift Aid my donations if I’m a pensioner?
If you’re a pensioner, you may still be paying tax on a private pension plan or a savings account, or capital gains tax if you sell property or shares. You can still Gift Aid if you have paid enough tax during the tax year to cover the amount that charities will claim on all your donations in that year.
What if I’m self-employed?
You can still Gift Aid your donations if you are self-employed if you have paid enough tax during the tax year to cover the amount that charities will claim on all your donations in that year.
What if I pay tax at the higher rate?
We can only claim back tax at the basic rate, but that is still worth 25% extra on your donations to us and would make a big difference.
If you pay higher rate tax, you can claim the difference between the higher rate of tax and the basic rate of tax on your donation. We’d suggest speaking to your accountant if you’d like to do this.