The role of faulty cell protein in Parkinson’s

A process called m6A mRNA methylation is reduced in people with Parkinson’s. Research is underway to develop drugs that can improve this protein production process.

Phase 3 clinical trial of ambroxol for Parkinson’s confirmed

Cure Parkinson’s is pleased to announce that a large-scale phase 3 clinical trial of ambroxol, to determine whether the drug can slow the progression of Parkinson’s.

GCase and Parkinson’s: a new perspective

Recently researchers have provided new insights into how small defects in a region of DNA called the GBA gene could be affecting cell biology leading to Parkinson’s.

PD Frontline

As research has expanded in the area of Parkinson’s genetics, researchers have been able to uncover a number of genes which have been linked to an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s. PD Frontline is a remote study offering online genetic testing for people with Parkinson’s,…

Something ‘LRRK -ing’ in the data

Over recent years, researchers have been identifying genetic variations associated with an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s. A recent study has thrown further light on the connection between certain genetic risk factors and Parkinson’s progression.