Information Hub
A diagnosis of Parkinson’s is life changing. Our Information Hub provides helpful resources recommended to us by people living with Parkinson’s.
If you are experiencing health problems that you think might be Parkinson’s, please make an appointment to discuss this with your family GP.

Live well with Parkinson’s
Ultimately, we want a cure. However we also recognise that there are a number of things you can do to help you live well with Parkinson’s and maintain your quality of life. Everyone living with Parkinson’s finds their own formula, their own routines. Diet, exercise, relaxation and hobbies are known to be beneficial and can help your quality of life day-to-day. There is emerging evidence that some types of exercise can even be neuroprotective.
Live well with Parkinson’s
Take part in research
At Cure Parkinson’s we focus on research with the potential to cure Parkinson’s. We fund clinical trials and preclinical work which seeks to open up new avenues in the search for a cure. There are many ways to get involved in research, whether that’s taking part in a trial, completing a survey, joining a study or sharing your experiences to help shape research.
Take part in research
Help shape research
Cure Parkinson’s was founded by four people living with Parkinson’s and the experiences and insights of people living with the condition continue to inform our work. By sharing your experiences, you can help shape the course of Parkinson’s research.
Help shape researchOur Research Update Meetings
If you would like to find out more about Parkinson’s research, why not consider attending one of our Research Update Meetings or one of the other research events that Cure Parkinson’s is involved with?
Find out more