Day One
What do we mean by “Pathophysiological Mechanisms to Therapeutics”? – Dr. Simon Stott
Protein Pathologies 1: Alpha-synuclein, what is it, how can we detect it? – Dr Eraz Anis and Dr Saima Zameer (VAI)
A-synuclein seeding assay: what is it and how can it support clinical trials? – Anaya Navangul
Protein pathologies 2: Tau pathology and its impact in Parkinson’s – Dr Alysa Kasem (VAI)
What is better than L’dopa? – Dr Soania Mathur
Defining the biology of Parkinson’s – Martijn Muller
Why is a staging system for Parkinson’s so urgently needed? – Gary Rafaloff and Katie Kopil
Communications implications and use of language of a new staging system – Claire Bale
Day Two
A review of the stages of clinical trials – Sean Hindley
Therapeutic development 1: an overview of disease-modifying trials – Gary Rafaloff
Therapeutic development 2: Lysosomal function overview, ambroxol – Rosie Fuest and Helen Matthews
Therapeutic development 3: Could Prasinezumab be reducing motor progression in the PASADENA Open-Label Extension – Dr Patrik Brundin and Matthew May
Therapeutic development 4: The challenges of developing combination therapies – Dr Sonia Gandi