News Research news

Clinical trial of lithium in Parkinson’s set to begin

We are delighted to announce funding for an upcoming phase1b clinical trial to investigate whether lithium, a drug currently used to treat mood disorders, could be repurposed to slow down Parkinson’s.

Accelerating Parkinson’s drug development: The International Linked Clinical Trials initiative

In 2012, Cure Parkinson’s joined forces with Van Andel Institute (VAI) to hold the first international Linked Clinical Trials (iLCT) meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Committee has since met annually to evaluate and prioritise drugs for clinical trial in Parkinson’s, a review of which has now been published in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease.

Phase 2 trial results of lixisenatide published

The full results of the one-year, phase 2 clinical trial of Type 2 diabetes drug lixisenatide have now been published. This Cure Parkinson’s co-funded trial has reported positive results, indicating that the treatment may slow the progression of motor symptoms. Researchers have reported that the…

News Research news

Upcoming GBA1 conference in Montreal

Cure Parkinson’s is co-sponsoring a large three-day international conference on June 27th – 29th that will be focused on all aspects of GBA1 research, from basic science to clinical trials.

Time to ROCK-PD

Researchers in Germany are conducting a new phase 2 clinical trial to determine if an existing cardiovascular drug called fasudil, could help people with Parkinson’s.