Our priority projects include trials of drugs that are closest to reaching the clinic, as well as the projects that need funding most urgently. This includes pre-clinical research (that which is tested in the lab) and clinical trial research (that which is tested in people).

Cure Parkinson’s funds a number of clinical and pre-clinical research projects to investigate the most promising treatments for Parkinson’s. Learn more about the different types of projects we fund below.

Clinical research

Before a drug can be approved by regulators, it must pass through several phases of clinical trials. These trials are the primary way that researchers and regulators determine whether a new treatment is both safe and effective.

Clinically, Cure Parkinson’s is focused on repurposing or repositioning existing drugs, the acceleration of new pharmacological agents, and the development of regenerative therapies. We only fund clinical trials which involve people with Parkinson’s.


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Pre-clinical research

Pre-clinical, or early-stage, research is an important step in the drug discovery process as it provides the necessary evidence to move compounds into clinical trials. These studies are often laboratory-based, using models of Parkinson’s to provide information on drug safety and effectiveness, as well as to give insight on how a drug achieves its intended effect (also called the mechanism of action).

Cure Parkinson’s funds a number of pre-clinical studies, involving a variety of therapies and therapy targets. Additionally, an integral part of our mission is urgency. This means we only fund pre-clinical research that is likely to lead to clinical trials in people with Parkinson’s within five years.

Learn more about our pre-clinical projects

Other areas of interest

In addition to our clinical and pre-clinical research, Cure Parkinson’s also funds initiatives to improve and/or support Parkinson’s research in the UK. These include projects that aim to gather and improve patient experiences, foster environments for researchers to collaborate and communicate, and build platforms for streamlining trial recruitment.

Learn more about our other funded projects