April marks World Parkinson’s Awareness Month to highlight the condition that affects some seven to 10 million people globally. At the centre of this month is World Parkinson’s Day on 11 April.
In recognition of World Parkinson’s Day, we are very pleased to report the news of research beginning to restart in earnest following the long delays caused by COVID-19. Our upcoming virtual Spring Research Update Meeting on 30 April will bring together three clinicians – Professor Anette Schrag, Dr Camille Carroll and Professor Antony Schapira – whose work we are supporting, who will present updates on their specific research studies.
Throughout World Parkinson’s Awareness Month and beyond, we are supporting the AMRC’s call to the Government for urgently needed funding to support research charities as they recover from the effects of the pandemic.
At a time when medical research is most needed, we are facing unprecedented falls in income due to COVID-19. Funding from the Government is urgently needed to support our work and continue our research to improve the lives of people living with Parkinson’s.
That’s why we’re urgently calling for the Government to commit funding to help protect the future of our research through the pandemic and as we recover.
On a happier note, we are delighted to announce our ‘superhuman fundraiser’ who has won our 2020 Fundraiser of the Year Award. Meriel Buxton has gone ‘beyond and above’ to raise funds and awareness of Parkinson’s and it is fitting in this month to celebrate Meriel’s tremendous endeavours.
The Tom Isaacs Award was created in memory of former co-founder and president Tom Isaacs who died in May 2017 aged 49. Cure Parkinson’s and Van Andel Institute annually and jointly present this award to a researcher who has shown the greatest impact on the lives of people living with Parkinson’s and/or has involved people with Parkinson’s in a participatory way in their work.
Tom’s vision was that a cure for Parkinson’s will be found, but greater value is gained through the involvement of people with Parkinson’s in the journey to find the cure.
Throughout this World Parkinson’s Awareness Month please join us in encouraging people to learn more about the condition and help to support our research towards a cure.
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