Leave a gift in your Will

How to leave a gift in your Will
If you’re thinking of leaving a gift to Cure Parkinson’s in your Will, thank you. Our guide should help ensure writing or amending your Will is as easy as possible.

Support for you
We have partnered with The Goodwill Partnership to offer a discounted Will writing service that can be completed in your home. The Goodwill Partnership can arrange for a trained counsellor to visit you at home, to take your Will instructions on a day and at a time convenient to you. You can arrange your appointment online or by calling 0844 669 6148 quoting ‘Cure Parkinson’s’. Through our partnership with Make a Will Online, you and your partner can write a simple single or joint Will that will be checked by a qualified solicitor, free of charge and from the comfort of your own home.
Frequently asked questions
What types of Wills are there?
There are a number of different types of legacies to choose from, but the two most common are known as Residuary Gifts and Pecuniary Gifts.
It’s important that you choose the type of legacy that works best for you and your circumstances, please do take advice on this if you are unsure.
A ‘Residuary’ gift
This is a gift of some, or all of what is left of your estate after all other payments have been paid. For example, you could choose to leave 30% of your estate to Cure Parkinson’s, once all taxes and other payments have been made
A ‘Pecuniary’ gift
This is a gift of a fixed amount of money, at whatever amount you choose. If you choose this type of gift, it’s worth considering linking it to inflation. Without this it could mean the true value of this gift could become less than you intended
A specific legacy
This is simply a gift of a specific item. This could include jewellery an heirloom, or shares.
Can I change my existing Will to leave a gift to Cure Parkinson’s?
If you have already arranged your Will and simply wish to add a gift to Cure Parkinson’s, your solicitor can help you to complete a codicil form and store it with your Will. This form will be read alongside your Will and allows you to make changes to your Will, without having to rewrite it.
If you make the changes yourself it could result in your existing Will being invalid.
Do I need to tell you that I have left Cure Parkinson’s a gift in my Will?
This is entirely up to you – but we would love to hear from you. If you tell us about your gift, we will be able to give you the choice of how you would like us to communicate with you in the future, about our work and how it is made possible by gifts like yours.
To tell us about your gift, please email or call Brogan Fricker
E: brogan@cureparkinsons.org.uk
T: 0207 487 3892
Can I ask that my gift is used for a specific purpose?
Yes, you can. However, if you would like to take this approach please do talk to us, so that we are able to guide you further. If your gift is ‘restricted’ to a specific purpose, we must use the funds exactly as you wish. This may present a challenge, if we are no longer funding research that matches how you would like your money spent.
If this happens we have to work with Charity Commission to reach agreement on using your gift in a way that matches your wishes as closely as possible.
You can ensure this does not happen by making your wishes ‘non-binding’ for example:
“it is my wish but without creating a legally binding obligation that…”.
Cure Parkinson’s will aim to comply with your wishes but in the event of being unable to do so, we can use the gift in a way that is as close as possible to your wishes, meaning your gift can be put to more immediate use.
“It was humbling to hear that a legacy donation helped to fund some of the Simvastatin Trial. The value of donations of this nature can really push forward research and help us get closer to finding a cure.”
Dr Camille Carroll