TRANSEURO, involving a consortium of scientists led by Professor Roger Barker in Cambridge and funded in part by Cure Parkinson’s and the EU, has developed a clear pathway to use stem cells as a viable treatment for Parkinson’s, and is addressing the previously mismatched results of various preceding trials in this field.

A paper published in Nature: ‘Designing stem-cell-based dopamine cell replacement trials for Parkinson’s disease’ by Professor Roger Barker details the rationale for the design of the TRANSEURO trial along with the lessons learned to help inform researchers for future clinical trials of human pluripotent stem cells.

The “Listening to the Experience of pARticipants in Neurosurgical trials” (or LEARN) study led by Dr Emma Lane at Cardiff University aims to document the personal accounts of trial participants and their care partners to inform the design of key tools for planning future neurosurgical intervention trials for Parkinson’s.

As part of this research area , we are also funding Dr Tilo Kunath, Edinburgh University in a detailed investigation of the best cell lines to use in Parkinson’s treatment as well as the best methods of tissue preparation and delivery. This clinical study involves over 60 people with Parkinson’s across four centres in Europe. 

The Rationale behind the TRANSEURO Study

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